Radware OpenStack Delivery

Octopus delivered a tailored Red Hat OpenStack solution to help the customer certify their application for OpenStack. The all-in-one installation, deployed on a single server, provided the necessary environment for testing and certification. Octopus ensured that the customer had a fully functional OpenStack environment designed specifically to meet their application’s needs.

On-Time Delivery with Comprehensive Documentation.

Despite encountering hardware limitations and missing documentation, Octopus successfully deployed a Red Hat OpenStack Platform solution within the required timeline. By overcoming these technical issues, Octopus ensured that the deployment was not only on time but also fully operational, providing the customer with the infrastructure they urgently needed for their product certification.

We take pride in delivering a full Red Hat OpenStack deployment on time, with detailed and easy-to-follow documentation. This professional approach allowed the customer to fully understand and utilize their new OpenStack environment, while being sure how to deploy again if needed, even under a tight schedule.