Month: October 2018

How to Add httpd.conf for Your Virtual Site on Plesk

Introduction This tutorial is made to help Plesk hosting providers setup a different rule per virtual site on their Plesk Shared Hosting Server Procedure 1. Login to you server by ssh2. go to the virtual site directory# cd /var/www/vhosts//conf3. edit your vhost.conf file. It has to be named vhost.conffor example:# vi vhost.confAlias /some_link /var/some_directory_to_link_to/ SetEnv REMOTE_USER=$REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER     Options […]


הוספת ניתוב סטטי (ראוט סטטי) במכונת לינוקס

הקדמה בכל מכונת לינוקס אם מוסיפים משורת פקודה ראוט (ניתוב) סטטי, לאחר REBOOT של המחשב הראוט (ניתוב) הזה יימחקיש להוסיף ראוט סטטי על מנת שישאר גם לאחר REBOOT.אחת הדרכים להוסיף ראוט סטטי (ניתוב) היא בעזרת הקובץ /etc/sysconfig/static-routes הוספת ראוט סטטי למכונה אחת HOST: אם אתה מקליד בשורת הפקודה ככה: # route add -host gw […]


How to Configure Soft RAID-1 on openSUSE with mdadm

Introduction As a hosting services provider company, the company needed a solution for automatically backing up our clients’ data on an external to the farm data storage. So in order to set up the different geo-location server with good standard backup we needed a raid of any kind. We’ve had a card laying here for […]


How to Migrate from one Domain Name to Another Domain Name on Linux Plesk 11

Introduction We somtimes have customers who would like to keep the current website available for users but have another website prepared on a different server and using different technology. These customers usually don’t want to purchase another domain name for the period of transition. What we do at Octopus Computer Solutions, is offer them to […]


How to Redirect SNMP Outgoing Traffic from 162 to a Different Port

Introduction Following a test I’ve just made, here is how to re-route a specific output traffic to a different port/host/etc using iptables. In this example , my test machine is and my traps receiving machine is I redirect port 162 to port 8787   The command # iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT –src […]
