Month: October 2018

How to avoid entering passwords when SSH to remote machine

  1. Introduction Octopus Computer Solutions is a leading Virtual Private Server provider in Israel. We provide Shared hosting for WordPress websites and VPS for high tech companies. When we are running rsync or just connect a lot to a remote machine running SSH you’d like to avoid entering the password each time. This is […]


How to Edit Static Routes In A Linux Machine

Introduction On any linux machine, if you add a route through the command line, after reboot or network restart the route will be deleted. There are couple of ways to keep the route after a reboot/network restart. One of the ways is to create and edit /etc/sysconfig/static-routes :   Static route configuration for HOST If you type […]


How to Backup a Folder with a Batch file

The following batch script below, copies a folder to a folder. The folder is created with a name according to date that the script is run. The script will output a log file of the operation – files which were copied will be logged. This script is intended only for WINDOWS machines. (XP and above) […]


How to Add Disk Space to an OpenStack Instance Using a flavor Volume

  While installing Openshift on Openstack I was quickly informed that my masters needed at least 40 GB of Disk Volume, while my Openstack Flavor had only 10. If your Openstack Instance is using an attached volume, it is pretty straightforward to expand the volume with: openstack volume set VOLUME-ID –size 10 This only works with a number […]


Create Multiple Instances with a single Openstack CLI Command

Multiple instances in OpenStack CLI   I have been developing Infrastructure as code. Openstack is getting more powerful and popular everyday. You quickly get to a point when you need multiple instances. I am presently installing Openshift, which rfequires several instances. Here I will show you how to make multiple instances of the same size and flavor using Heat Stacks. […]


How to Enable ntp updates on FreeBSD

Login to the BSD machine as root user. edit /etc/rc.conf add the following lines to have ntpdate running on startup: ntpdate_hosts=””ntpdate_enable=”YES” In case ntpdate doesn’t run start it. BSD# /etc/rc.d/ntpdate start Enjoy.


Subversion – TortoiseSVN first use

  Introduction The intent of this article is to show how to use TortoiseSVN for Windows. SVN, or Subversion, is a file versioning system, that comes to help developers. This system helps keep control over code written. TortoiseSVN is the client on Windows which helps us managing the code and keep in sync. Installation  a. […]


בניית אתרים – השלבים שכולם צריכים לדעת

תוכן השלב הראשון בבניית אתר הוא איסוף כל החומרים (תמונות, טקסטים, מאמרים וכל העולה על הדעת) שרוצים לשים באתר. איסוף זה חשוב לקביעת מהות האתר, סוג האתר וכן מספר העמודים שצריך באתר.פירוט על סוגי האתרים השונים ישנו בסוף המצגת. רעיון לפני שבונים אתר, צריך שני דברים, קודם כל צריך רעיון, ויותר מרעיון, צריך לחשוב מה רוצים […]


HTML and CSS Tips

CSS Styling Basic definitions such as ,html,body,a etc. I recommend starting a CSS document with these. An example would be: define font and color. This is the first global definition.{ font: XXXXXXXX; color: XXXXX; }html { }body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; }This could some some problems when you are working in dimensions that […]
